Established through a collaboration of Town Planners, Acquisition surveyors, Renewable investment consultants and civil engineers
CSP Solar Ltd has acquired and developed solar farms from 2MWp up to 30 MWp in the UK, bringing together more than 75 years of experience in planning renewables, civil engineering, construction and commercial funding partnerships.
CSP Solar has an intricate knowledge of the UK town planning system; we have a team, of in-house chartered town planners who are all members of the Royal Town Planning Institute. CSP Solar has expertise in a wide range of renewable energy applications.
To date CSP Solar has 100% success rate securing planning permission for large-scale PV installation and this has been achieved through working closely with design teams, local planning departments, local councilors and residents.
Through exclusive procurement partnerships we have sourced the latest component manufacturers to ensure long-term reliability and maximum return on investment.
Our solar farms are designed to generate excellent financial returns for landowners over a fixed period.
Typically, leases will run for a minimum period of 25 years and are index linked, providing a robust secure income stream.
Damian Hosker BA (Hons) MA MRTPI
Ben Gilpin BA (Hons) Dip TP MRTPI
Sam Wismayer BSc (Hons)
Renewable Delivery Manager
Ryan Marshall
Planning Manager
Grace O’Donnell LLB
Assistant Planning Manager
Eve Wyke BSc
Julia Marshall
Office Manager
Kate de Rose BSc
Suzi Guest
Tony Hosker BSc
Ruth Dixon
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